Saturday, October 09, 2010


October 5, 2010
How is it even possible that I am 6 almost 7 weeks into this? I’m halfway to being a volunteer and that is a lot to process and take in. So here are some thoughts from Supervisors Conference.
-First my alphabet has been turned, flipped upside down. Peace Corps loves acronyms, and DepEd loves acronyms, and to an extent the Philippines is a country all about acronyms. For the most part they do save time and it is easier to type. But to prevent myself from being all Rachel Ray every time I post I will make a list for my blog to help you along.
-I’m feeling like I’ve come a long way, but still feel like I’ve got little to show for it. That should be changing very soon. On Monday I got my assignment. Tomorrow I’m heading to site. I’ve met my Supe and hopefully things are super.
-The thought of going to site is very exciting, but also very scary. This will be my first time flying solo so to speak. I’ve got a tight unit in Capite West, and it is part of a tight group of PCTs in Palo. Here at conference it is nice to see the other PCTs in Luzon but I’m glad I have those 5 and 15. On Thursday when we step of the plane it is going to be leaving them. That seams kind of sad to me. It is goodbye all over again. Luckily it is just a weekend, and everyone has some pretty dope sites.
-I’m coping really well with my lack of luxuries. That being said, my Training Family is pretty posh. I’ve mentioned it before, but a shower and a flushing toilet. Who knows what is in store for me. I love that the shower this week has been hot, but I still took a semi-cold shower after my run. Oh and the two pillows on my super soft bed? They were just too much. My back was sore when I woke up and the pillow was on the floor. Oh and that AirCon as usual is much too much!
-I’m already having major issues with communication and now I’m walking around the streets of the city of Antipalo trying to learn how to buy Bar Nuts in Tagalog only to find out they don’t even exist up here.
A quick note on Bar Nuts. The packaging says Wow, Bar Nuts!, and quite frankly no truer words have been printed. So think of a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup (but made with homemade peanut butter). Think so hard that it melts. Now do a happy dance that blends that up and now mold it into a teeny tiny bar (about the size of a rectangular pink eraser). That, my friends, is heaven for only one Peso (which, don’t quote me on this, is about 2 cents). Sorry Beatles, but when Bar Nuts are involved you can buy me love! Wow!
So, moral of the post? I’m stoked like a fire to be half way to a Volunteer! Going to site tomorrow! and it is still hitting me that I’m in the Peace Corps. Wow!

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