Sunday, September 19, 2010

one month in, and it's all good

September 18, 2010

Twenty-six months left of my Peace Corps experience. I love that! Not in a way that I’m counting down the days until my return to warm showers, but more in a way of I’m really doing this. I’ve been here a month! I’m one month in to changing the world at some level. I love that!
I just wish I could say more for this one month. I’m still in the job training stages of things. I did teach one class, which was fun and scary and thrilling and a spring in my step. However, due to training schedules I won’t teach again for another week or so. I’m feeling like my progress in language is slow, but at some level I know more than I think I know. At this point my response to everything is maúpay, which means good. So really I’m still my optimistic self every time I open my mouth. I would like my lexicon to expand beyond this. In time, in time. I’m starting to recognize verbs when I hear others speaking. Not the exact verb, but the fact that part of the sentence was the verb.
I’m still getting along very well with my family. Playing games, going to birthdays, eating crab and feeling like a fool for my lack of technique, and not having some of the frustrations others may be having.
Oh! There is the accomplishment of a month in and as far as I know still no parasites or amoebas! That I feel is huge. Also so far I have not melted. Which is huge, but I’m not so sure how long I can say that. We had a week or so when it would rain all night and well into the morning and it really kept things cooler. Last week that quickly ended and I feel like these past 2 days have been the kicker. And to think it only gets worse from here.
Oh and the biggest achievement in this month… I’ve still not killed that blasted rooster. hahahah

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